Emerald forest & op shop adventure

I have so much love for Emerald. The entire Dandenong Ranges holds a very special place in my heart, the forest is breathtaking. Now I know there is a lot to be said about every little village in these magic hills, but this post is all about Emerald, and if you hit it on the first Sunday of every month, you will be in for a treasure trove like no other!

On the first Sunday of every month, Fernlea House opens its doors for people to rent stalls & sell beautiful bric a brac, this little market was so wonderful to wander around, set up on the grounds of the house with the forest as a backdrop, it was sublimely beautiful.
* the market does close down for winter months

I got chatting to some of the staff and was quickly intrigued, this wonderful charity store provides day respite for carers who’s loved ones are living with a life of illness. It was a buzzing hub and a maze of wonderful treasure. I found the most retro coffee table for $4! And 2 rustic wooden frames for $10 for the pair, I was chuffed! I strongly recommend a visit to Emerald on the first Sunday of every month for this little gem! Everything about this spot was just beautiful 🍂 You can wander around the gardens near the train tracks, Puffing Billy passes by, there is an amazing bakery Emerald Village Bakery and Cafe (I mean its ah-mazing!!!!) & you are drenched in forest - so worth a beautiful day trip and only an hour from the CBD

* Keep reading below for a secret forest picnic spot 🌲

After you have finished browsing these markets, I highly recommend taking a picnic to the magical Nobelius Heritage Park at the Emerald Museum, these gardens are superbly rustic and beautiful, such a wonderful spot to forest bath and have a quite picnic.

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Emerald town itself is stunning, take a wander around the old train station and maybe include a ride on the famous Puffing Billy, even just watching it roll into the station is enough for some. Its beautiful! Either way - enjoy this magical town.
There is also the Emerald Op Shop, it is closed on Sundays however.

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Fernlea House 1st Sunday of the month market
(market does shut down for winter months)
15 Kilvington drive Emerald - DIRECTIONS

Emerald Museum & Nobelius Heritage Park
5 Crichton Rd, Emerald VIC

St Marks Opp Shop
3 Church St, Emerald VIC , closed Sundays