Our Eclectic Home
Home truly is where the heart is, and in our case, where all of our treasure lives, for making our home ever more homely is why I op shop in the first place. Nearly everything is op shopped, second hand, salvaged, found on the side of the road, you name it. Everything from our couches, to our stereo, our Persian rugs, our artwork, fabrics and clothing, it’s all got a story.
This house featured in these photos and film was our old house in Melbourne which we built from scratch.
It was a true pleasure to work with a brand new home with white walls, filling it with all our eclectic and colourful treasures was so much fun.
Here’s a great example of a road-side find? Can you believe we found Frankie’s art deco day bed (pictured above) on the side of the road 😍
Working with a clean pure white slate in a modern home was something we had never done before. We’d spent a decade travelling all over the world living in old shoddy rentals (all still very much loved), but decorating a modern home with our beloved op shopped, eclectic second hand gear, was new, yet so very refreshing and we’re loving every second of it!