welcome to my blog, I hope you have a lovely time here.
Love Anna x
This home made hand cream is super easy to make & its lovely silky texture will leave your hands nourished & soft.
1/4 cup shea butter
1/4 cup bees wax
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup sweet almond oil
essential oils of your choice 10 - 20 drops combined
Using a double boiler, you can make one with a bowl on top of a pot filled with water.
Firstly heat down the beeswax, then add in the shea butter, stirring until dissolved.
Add in the coconut oil, & almond oil. Then add in your essential oils. I used a combination of Frankincense, Patchouli, Lavender & Bergamot.
Transfer your mixture into a cute op shopped jar & use as you please 🙌
Will last for ages with a lid.
See more of my potions & devotions at this link HERE